I am so obsessed with the new Hats exhibition. It's at theQueensland Art Gallery and the area where the hats are shown is done up like a French boudoir with a milliners'workshop in the centre of one of the rooms.
I was there on the first day the exhibition opened to the public and just took my time
exploring all the creations. I have to admit that being a whore of all things in the media, I
did get a kick out of spotting the "celebrity" hats. It was especially a thrill to see the carved-out top hat that appeared in a Dior cosmetic ad campaign I loved when I was still in high school and the Darth Vader helmet, but I don't remember if it was the actual one from the movies or just a replica.
I went again on the VIP night to meet Stephen Jones and adored looking at all the different feathers, pompoms, flowers and playing cards made into all manner of head wear.
Not wanting to spoil the surprise, I haven't posted any photos of the exhibition itself
because I think you all should go see it yourselves... and also because some Security Guard was pouncing on anyone with a camera taking photos - something about copyright! But here are some photos I took of the VIP night. Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones
will be at the Queensland Art Gallery from the 27th of March to the 27th of June.
The man of the night; famed milliner Stephen Jones giving a speech to launch the event.
Some of the fab people who attend the event.
Millinery in action: making a hat in the Stephen Jones workroom from Victoria and Albert Museum on Vimeo.