Just like last weeks post, I first discoverd ‘Paula Kyle Walden’ when I was talking to a someone at a Party, while at the same time scanning around the room untill I fixed my eye upon a big necklace with what seems like black feathers attached to a chain. So as I was admiring the necklace I say to the person I was talking to how much I loved that necklace only to have the girl say “I made that”, and that’s how I meet anddiscoverd Paula Waldens Jewellery.
OK the 101 on Paula Walden is She’s trained as a jeweller and even during her apprenticeship she was made a finalist in the Jewellery Association of Australia’s bi-annual competition, and now with years of experience behind her she is annually invited to enter the Harper’s Bazaar Diamond Design Guild Awards. Oh and she’s also a part time model, yeah I know talented and beautiful it’s about this time that I would start hating her as well but how can you hate someone who makes such beautiful things.
But even now her thirst for knowledge hasn’t been quenched and she’s is currently 6 months away from getting her Bachelor degree of Fine Art with Fashion at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
Paula Walden’s latest Collection Is called “STARLIGHT ECHOES” Chapeter 2. It’s made out of black perspex with touches of lace, feathers, metal, and crystals as well. OH and FYI She has a shop in her website Paulawalden.com that you can buy her pieces from.
Behold the designer herself, modeling her beautiful swirled ribbons of black toffee.

All Photo’s courtesy of paulawalden
these are so pretty!