Oo, just found this video for a local styling company 'ID couture' based in Brisbane with also an office in Melbourne. ID couture is headed by fashionistas around town ''Tanja Mrnjaus' the company can do anything from just having a privet chat t show you how to dress for your shape and colouring while still maintaining your personality for both men and women, to corporate styling , and retail styling which is basically fashion shows.
The Video itself was created by ruwan De Silva who also did the Video's for the fashion event 'Je Ne Sais Quoi' that I featured a few months ago. My favourite bit I have to say is the images of a model wearing a black chiffon dress in and seeing the movement of the fabric in slow motion.
I am so obsessed with the new Hats exhibition. It's at theQueensland Art Gallery and the area where the hats are shown is done up like a French boudoir with a milliners'workshop in the centre of one of the rooms.
I was there on the first day the exhibition opened to the public and just took my time exploring all the creations. I have to admit that being a whore of all things in the media, I did get a kick out of spotting the "celebrity" hats. It was especially a thrill to see the carved-out top hat that appeared in a Dior cosmetic ad campaign I loved when I was still in high school and the Darth Vader helmet, but I don't remember if it was the actual one from the movies or just a replica.
I went again on the VIP night to meet Stephen Jones and adored looking at all the different feathers, pompoms, flowers and playing cards made into all manner of head wear.
Not wanting to spoil the surprise, I haven't posted any photos of the exhibition itself because I think you all should go see it yourselves... and also because some Security Guard was pouncing on anyone with a camera taking photos - something about copyright! But here are some photos I took of the VIP night. Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones will be at the Queensland Art Gallery from the 27th of March to the 27th of June.
The man of the night; famed milliner Stephen Jones giving a speech to launch the event.
The Hats salon stocked with locally made hats. Some of the fab people who attend the event.
This is a one of the Videos that is playing at the Exhibition of a hat been made in Stephen Jones studio in London.
It’s that time of the year again (Well not really, there’s still another 5 months) but this week “Mercedes-Benz Fashion Festival Brisbane” have lunched it campaign for this year. With the announcement that the new venue for the parades is at Southbank. The Festival will commence on the 7th of August with 6 full days of fabulous fashion and beautiful people.
The look of this years campaign is the total opposite to last years sleek, bold, bright look, with a feminine, soft look with an overuse touch of nature.
The information on the new look ad campaign are as follows:
Photographer - Ian Golding Designwork and concept - designfront Styling - Liz Golding Hair - Leesa Smith for Schwarzkopf Professional Makeup - Tracey Zenatti for Napoleon Perdis Model - Olivia Thornton - Viviens. Silk beaded dress (one off design) from Easton Pearson, Lauren McCowen - State of Noir paper headpiece, necklace from McKinney's Jewellers (Opera length multi facetted square cut, Rose de France, green amethyst and lemon topaz necklet with an 18ct yellow gold cube design clasp and two rhondels set with Rose de France, green amethyst and lemon topaz.)
I had a ball last year starting off going to the launch of the Easton Pearson exhibition which was in conjunction with the launch of the fashion festival as well. Then the next night dancing with Vogue editor Kristie Clements and Akira Isogawa. Sure Kristie Clements had no Idea who I was and would not remember me at all, But I still tell the story with fond memories. My top pick from last year for a stand out collection was George Wu and Paul Hunt and I look forward to see who I'll choose this year.
This year the festival just like last will be launchedin conjunction withGOMA for the Valentino Retrospective which I had announce on this blog late last year. The great Man himself will be at the opening and how exciting would it be if he were to stay for the rest of the week to cheek out our talent, and why not now that he has a lot of time on his hands.
Iv been going to the festival since its inception in 2006 and every year Iv seen it grow bigger and bigger, to the point where tickets are sold out weeks if not a month in advance. This is a clear sign from the ever growing fashion savvy public saying “we need this, were just as good as Sydney and Melbourne” and I totally agree. For years our local designers have had to travel to the other states to join in there fashion weeks or festivals just to get exposure. True our festival is a consumer driven event but more and more interstate and overseas media are showing interest and coming to the festival. Especially this year with the Valentino retrospective showing outside of Europe for the first time ever, there will be more international media over in Brisbane then we’ve ever had before. This is going to be bigger then Obama.
So get your Shizzal together all you up and coming designers out there and send in your applications, be quick there’s already high interest in who wants to show. Because there website is down for a overhaul for this year you need to get in touch with there facebook page.
Here is also a quick behind the scenes video of the photo-shot for this years campaign.
Next week Ill be going to the Launch night at GOMA for Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones. Hopfully I'll be able to get some great photos and stores as well.
Ahhhhh, another great promotional video for a European luxury brand focusing on the true craftmanship of making a product by hand. this time it's 'Gucci' and there Master artisans crafting their leather good, all by hand of course. I love how they all wear white laboratory coats as if they're doctors about to do a delicate operation. I do love it when I find these types of Videos.
A good night had by all on Friday 12th of February when in an art gallery at west end fashionistas from around Brisbane came to attend the sold out ' Je Ne Sais Quoi Exhibition' A meeting of up and coming local talents to express fashion as an art form and to show what they had to offer though photography and a fashion show. The exhibition focused not only on the clothing itself but also on all the different people who contribute to get to the final look, IE the hair stylist, make-up, fashion designer, styling and photographer. The people behind the scenes who hardly ever get a mention except fashion designers (It’s always all about them) As I mentioned before on top of the photography was also a fashion show, where instead of the audience surrounding the catwalk the models walked around the outside of the audience.
With the smoke machine doing it's thing and me standing right in the front row of the catwalk (a meter radios around the room) I maneged to take these shots.
And also 2 short films put together for the exhibition by Runwan De Silva with Romesh De Silva and Joel Devereux (who said was going to comment on my blog but never has) and music by Lucas Arundell. Enjoy.
Only graduating last year from the Australian Institute of Fashion Design Irena jusufovic is full of the high ambition and the can do attitude that we all admired in the young. Motivated by her ambition and hard work ethics Irena single-handedly design and created her debut collection 'Sex and landscape'. Ripe with femininity the collection which is all black puts your focus on form and figure while mixing different textures to get a contrasting looks withing the same garment. The collection is something you can wear to a nightclub or dinner with the girls. 'Irena' is the label and 'Sex and Landscape' is the collection which is sold exclusively though the Internet you can contact her by her Blog or her website .
The designer (second from the right) with her muses.
Just like last weeks post, I first discoverd ‘Paula Kyle Walden’ when I was talking to a someone at a Party, while at the same time scanning around the room untill I fixed my eye upon a big necklace with what seems like black feathers attached to a chain. So as I was admiring the necklace I say to the person I was talking to how much I loved that necklace only to have the girl say “I made that”, and that’s how I meet anddiscoverd Paula Waldens Jewellery.
OK the 101 on Paula Walden is She’s trained as a jeweller and even during her apprenticeship she was made a finalist in the Jewellery Association of Australia’s bi-annual competition, and now with years of experience behind her she is annually invited to enter the Harper’s Bazaar Diamond Design Guild Awards. Oh and she’s also a part time model, yeah I know talented and beautiful it’s about this time that I would start hating her as well but how can you hate someone who makes such beautiful things.
But even now her thirst for knowledge hasn’t been quenched and she’s is currently 6 months away from getting her Bachelor degree of Fine Art with Fashion at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
Paula Walden’s latest Collection Is called “STARLIGHT ECHOES” Chapeter 2. It’s made out of black perspex with touches of lace, feathers, metal, and crystals as well. OH and FYI She has a shop in her website Paulawalden.com that you can buy her pieces from.
Behold the designer herself, modeling her beautiful swirled ribbons of black toffee.
Iv always thought that accessories make or brake an outfit but to me Iv always believed more on the make side of it. I am a true fan of the statement necklace which will sensationalize the most boring of boring outfits, it's like a cure all for fashion. So really what I'm trying to say is, I Like big bold statement pieces.
It's no wonder I totally fell in love with the feather collars I first discovered about a year and a half ago. I was talking to a friend of a friend at a 'blond Venus' sale, who was telling me about these feather collars she was making by hand and selling. That night I Myspace stalked her profile to check them out and I was totally blown away by the pieces.
The label is called 'Yes Vincent' and the designer is called rose and I think her collection is so creative and out there, while still being totally soft and wearable. Well since my first discovery I have had regular spottings of the statement pieces around in the pages and covers of magazines and on party goes like the one i took a picture of for 'My Sartorialist Moment' blog a few weeks ago.
The vintage inspiered pieces are stokes in Miss Mouse Shop 2, 28 Logan Rd, w'gabba, Brisbane or you can contact the label via the Yes vincent myspace.