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Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Illusions of Grandeur

Well I think it’s finally time to blog about my very own accessories label that I have started.  ‘Illusions ofGrandeur’ is focused on creating statement pieces that will get people talking, not for the fainthearted the label main objective is to rise above the Idea that you must wear the latest collections or follow the latest trends to be stylish or to even look good. 

The label will be inspired by life experience, world travel, architecture,  modern technology, old technology, people, colours, literature, shapes and swirls, Dreams, attitudes,  mother nature and all her glory, the stars and universe, and anything that takes my fancy really.

The first range off the shelf is a range of statment necklaces called ‘Industrial Reflection’ made from clear and mirrored acrylic, crystal and chains it is heavily influenced by my travels to Taiwan and the architecture of the heavily populated city’s where everyone lives’ on top of each other in sky high buildings, and finding beauty in the concrete jungle.   

The Divas Necklace  

Girl With 9 Tails Necklace

A Star is Born Necklace

Little Dreams Necklace

Starry Starry Night Necklace

Road To Infinity Necklace

Universal View Necklace.

Window To Your Soul necklace

Let me know what you think of the range or what you would like to see in future ranges.